I'll stand by my original reflections about the fairy godmother card in the Fairy Tale Tarot...not your ordinary fairy godmother but a woman of age, wisdom, experience and compassion. I think the lure of this card is the gentle wisdom of the face and yet the figure has a certain energy about it, strong and determined...not easily swayed. The fairy godmother on the card is the main figure on the card with a paler woman in the background. Since they are standing among the pumpkins I am assuming the background figure is Cinderella....but hmmmm.
When I look at the card again I wonder...well I think it is Cinderella but at the same time..the idea that it is a younger "version" of the Fairy godmother came to mind. Sort of like the pale figure is a "shadow" of what the fairy godmother was in the past...and that in fact as we age and grow in wisdom....our "past, younger self" fades but is never really gone. We still contain that younger version of ourself. Reminds me of the idea that comes to mind when people say: "they don't "feel" old"...as if that youthful part of a person's spirit is always there. Or perhaps we are both...at times Cinderella and at other times in our lives, the Fairy Godmother.
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