This blog is designed to explore the new Fairy Tale Tarot by Lisa Hunt. But since I LOVE to blog....I am sure I'll wander off into some other musings about fairytales!!

"The Fairy Tale Tarot cards are like gazing into that pool. They reflect different aspects of each of us. They illuminate or accentuate those parts of us that we seek, or deny, or just long to understand. The cards and the fairy tales they are based on, provide a framework for understanding self and the human aspects of life. And maybe the "not so human" aspects too....the spiritual. They are the water in the pool. Clear and shimmering, reflecting clearly and yet also bringing forth tiny glimpses of those wings. It is this aspect of the cards that called to me. I feel they have things to reveal to me and I am anxious to hear them "speak."

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Once Upon a Time Update

October will be a GREAT month here at Once Upon a Time...

  • I'll continue with Tarot Spread Tuesday's and since it's Halloween this month we wil be looking at some good spreads to use with a little Halloween twist to them.
  • Fairy Tale Fridays are a good way to look at each fairy tale from the Fairy Tale Tarot in a bit more depth...with some links to other sources and some different versions. I'd like to get into some of the history of the fairy tales too but honestly it will just depend on how much blogging time I have!!!
  • In honor of Halloween, I will host a blog give away...hmmm not sure of the details yet so check back....something fairy tale related though!!!
  • Next up....Comparing the Princesses.....
  • Another fairy tale character poll.....
  • Write up on my Full Moon Hello October reading using the Fairy Tale Tarot

I hope readers are enjoying my ramblings here at Once Upon a Time....sometimes it is so hard to tell if those random thoughts that present themselves to me are really worth blogging about or not...Hope you have a great weekend....

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