This blog is designed to explore the new Fairy Tale Tarot by Lisa Hunt. But since I LOVE to blog....I am sure I'll wander off into some other musings about fairytales!!

"The Fairy Tale Tarot cards are like gazing into that pool. They reflect different aspects of each of us. They illuminate or accentuate those parts of us that we seek, or deny, or just long to understand. The cards and the fairy tales they are based on, provide a framework for understanding self and the human aspects of life. And maybe the "not so human" aspects too....the spiritual. They are the water in the pool. Clear and shimmering, reflecting clearly and yet also bringing forth tiny glimpses of those wings. It is this aspect of the cards that called to me. I feel they have things to reveal to me and I am anxious to hear them "speak."

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Fairy Tale Path

Well I'm back from my blogging vacation. I had to take a little break from blogland for several reasons...the holidays, time, writers block, etc. etc....but I'm feeling like writing again so I was thinking it might be fun to examine each of the fairytales in The FairyTale at a time and examine how the fairy tale speaks to me...what direction it sends me on in the search for self discovery and an understanding of the human experience....

I'm sure my thoughts will differ from others and that's okay. The neat thing about fairytales and the FairyTale Tarot is that they can speak to each person on a personal level...they can teach us the same lesson and different lessons all at the same time.

To simplify matters I will just follow the order of tales as presented in the book ...soooo...first up will be Little Red of my in the next few days I'll get a post or two up about this classic tale of a girl "gone bad"....haha...just joking...sort of!!

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