This blog is designed to explore the new Fairy Tale Tarot by Lisa Hunt. But since I LOVE to blog....I am sure I'll wander off into some other musings about fairytales!!

"The Fairy Tale Tarot cards are like gazing into that pool. They reflect different aspects of each of us. They illuminate or accentuate those parts of us that we seek, or deny, or just long to understand. The cards and the fairy tales they are based on, provide a framework for understanding self and the human aspects of life. And maybe the "not so human" aspects too....the spiritual. They are the water in the pool. Clear and shimmering, reflecting clearly and yet also bringing forth tiny glimpses of those wings. It is this aspect of the cards that called to me. I feel they have things to reveal to me and I am anxious to hear them "speak."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Places This Pig Can Take You!

Okay...sometimes a day just unfolds and you start to wonder if you are reading about fairytales or if they are actually happening in your is that the Big Bad Wolf hovering behind my car....just waiting for me to emerge from the house so he can pounce on me?

I woke up at 4:45 this morning to go work out and when I grabbed my phone I happened to notice I had a text from a friend of mine in another was a distressing text that was sent at midnight...well sometimes I am up late but not recently since the 5 am workout way I can reach him by text at 5:00 to check on him...soo off to the gym and then back home to get ready for work...sigh...since I'm distracted I get on the computer and grab the Fairy Tale Tarot deck. Card for the Day...Three of Pentacles...I'm like...what the heck??? How is this little piggy going to help me?

Three of Pentacles:

Pentacles: Earth (Physical Pursuits/Work/Create/Finance)

Earth: Things are grounded. Things are stable.

Three: Shows things growing (a cartomancy meaning...included for reflection)

Traditional Meanings: (general) Reward for skills or abilities, approval, success through effort.

Fairy Tale Tarot Meanings: Creativity, Planning..."Utilize your creative skills to implement a plan."

Fairy Tale: The familiar Three Little Pigs. With the big bad wolf...lurking...hmmm

Art on Card: This little card has the third little pig lugging those bricks...but looking happy and productive while the wolf lounges in the background...I notice he is building his house at the end of a path or road. It feels like a "whistle while you work" scene...hate to mix fairy tales but there you go...he is "creating"...he is productive but always there in the background is the wolf...STARTING to sound like my morning huh!

So I go to work pondering my card...well if nothing else it got my mind off other worries. Then when I got to work...I started talking to someone about something or the other...and they said I should create a "dream" board...and then that lead me to the vision board idea...and the next thing I know I'm ripping everything off the bulletin board that hangs above my desk and planning to make a vision board...

As far as my friend...things are not 100%'s like the Three Little Pig card again...there is still a wolf lurking but for now things are STABLE....remember the whole earth aspect. And that Three?...things growing...well my vision board is growing and so are the possibilities.

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